We all grew up hearing, “An apple a day keeps –“okay, I think we get it
by now. This crispy, juicy, and deliciously sweet fruit is
incredibly good for you. It’s rich in energy-boosting natural sugars, disease-
fighting antioxidants, and skin-rejuvenating vitamins, among many other health
benefits. They also happen to be insanely yummy -kids love ‘em!
If you’re like me, there are always apples in the fridge to snack on for a quick pre-workout bite, to incorporate into a smoothie, dessert, salad, etc. Apples are a great food, but did you know they have many uses outside of the kitchen too? If by the end of the week, you’ve devoured all of your meals, but still have leftover apples, or if you just came home from the orchard with too many buckets of freshly picked apples save some room in your fridge, garbage, and belly and try these inventive, fun, and non-conventional applications for fall’s favorite fruit!
Spice up Your Living Space
Although I now live in LA, where it feels like summer (basically) all year
round, I’m originally from St. Louis, where the air cools and the leaves change
colors with the seasons. The change in climate and beautiful scenery in the fall
were things I looked forward to and now miss. Fortunately, those of us who are
season-deprived can still create the feeling of fall inside our homes!
I give you 2 ideas to start with-
1. Eye Candy- you can choose to use your extra apples as décor by slicing
them up, or leaving them whole, and adding them to a glass vase for a
nice decorative piece. You can also core out the top and place a tea light
candle in the center as a creative candleholder. The more variety of color,
the better!
2. Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice- place your apples in a bowl, or two, or
three, to create your own homemade potpourri. There’s something
comforting about coming home to a nice smelling house. The added
olfactory element creates an impression that the house is cared-for and
clean, and even the slightest bit cozier. Below, I have shared a recipe that
combines all of the autumnal aromas like cinnamon, apples, and cloves.
What You’ll Need
-1 medium-sized apple, unpeeled
-2 cinnamon sticks, broken up
-3 tsp nutmeg
-1 ½ Tbsp whole cloves
-2 Tbsp grated orange peel
-3 drops vanilla fragrance oil
-Lidded glass jar/bowl of choice
What You’ll Do
Preheat oven to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
Spray a baking sheet with vegetable oil, cut your apple into thin slices and
spread them out in a single layer. Sprinkle a little cinnamon on top and
bake for 30 minutes.
After time is up, let the apple slices cool for about 15 minutes before
adding the other ingredients.
In your glass jar, combine all ingredients and mix together
To use, place about a tablespoon of mixture into 2 cups of boiling water.
Turn the heat down to low and let the mixture simmer to release your
seasonal scent.
Place your potpourri in a glass jar to store, and enjoy it in a bowl of your
choice as a deliciously decorative piece anywhere in your house from your
front entrance, kitchen, bedroom, to your closet!
Apples and Crafts
If you’re looking for an inexpensive yet super fun activity to do with your
little ones, you can use your apples as paint stamps (How smart?!).
What You’ll Need
-Washable paint
-Paintbrushes (optional)
-Whole apples
-Flat surface to place paint (aluminum foil/Styrofoam tray)
-Newspaper, construction paper, burlap bags (any material that won’t get soggy)
What You’ll Do
Cut your apples in half. Take out the seeds if they are loose.
Let the apples dry for an hour for the best effect.
Place paint on a flat surface.
Dip flat part of apple into paint, stamp onto your canvas, and voilà! You
and your children will be instant apple Picassos.
Check out this video for some stamp applespiration.
(If the above hyperlink doesn’t work, click link: https://www.howcast.com/videos/343105-
How-to-Craft-Apple-Stamps/ )
Fruity Facial Mask
Hopefully, meal prep can save us at least a few minutes this week
for some #selflove pampering time. Apples contain lots of vitamin C, which promotes the production of collagen; a protein found in skin that helps keep it supple and soft. They also have copper, an essential mineral that increases the production of melanin; a skin pigment that protects our skin from the harms of the sun. Lastly, apples provide a small amount of vitamin A, which helps in skin development and may even reduce the risks of skin cancer. The beginning of fall can be a perfect time to give your skin some extra love after it’s most probably been in the sunlight more than usual these past few months. The takeaway? Don’t let those apples go to waste, use them for your face!
For your convenience, I found a quick recipe for an all-natural, apple-
based mask that you can whip up yourself with a few common household goods.
What You’ll Need
-1 apple, unripe preferred
-1/4 cup plain low-fat yogurt
-1 Tbsp honey
What You’ll Do
Mix all ingredients in a blender.
Scoop and spread on your face (and if it “accidentally” falls into your
mouth, double win!)
Let it sink in, play some spa sounds, sip on apple cider, and forget about
your responsibilities for 10-15 minutes while you reap the benefits of your
sweet mask.
Whether you’re a hard-core apple lover like me, or you’re totally done
munching on these bad boys at the moment, here are some new, practical, and
engaging projects you can do to get the most out of your basket.
And if you did in fact want some inspo on seasonal apple recipes we ALWAYS love Apple Doughnuts, Apple Latkes, Apple Cardamom Custard Skillet, and our DIY Cure for the Cold that’s loaded with healthy citrus, ginger, and sweet apple cider. Bring on the Fall!