Behind the Scenes creating the all new Starbucks Cookbook: Coffee, Dawn to Dusk

coffee starbucks

I am so excited to get back into blogging (it’s been forever!) and now that the Starbucks Summer cookbook is out and the campaign is viral I finally get to show you some behind the scenes footage from our fabulous shoot in Pasadena, California!

Starbucks in collaboration with Tastemade invited 4 of us Tastemakers (myself, Vijaya, Alejandro, and Jerrelle) to be a part of this Starbucks summer cookbook and contribute two recipes each, our likeness (pictures of us throughout the book), and one video each. We had such a blast on set…. I mean what’s not to love? We got to hang out in a stunning Pasadena home perched up in the mountains with the most gorgeous pool, insane kitchen, great coffee sampling ALL day…. It was pretty sweet!

Check out this pool and kitchen… I told you! #goals

The first recipe I shot was my Spiked Coffee Sachlav. If you’ve never tried this traditional drink in the middle east you’re missing out big time. But lucky for you I’ve shared my version which is even better because there’s coffee in it! Traditionally it’s milk and sugar thickened with corn starch to a thick, slightly pudding-like consistency which is exactly how I’ve prepared mine. I topped it with cinnamon, nuts, crushed freeze dried’s heaven. You’ll have to get the book though to see this recipe. Sorry!

You bet I was all up in there taking pics, instagramming, snapping, and capturing all the footage..


Next up I was in a scene with Jerrelle sitting at a table drinking her refreshing Maca shake. Yes, we were all pretty darn buzzed off coffee by the end of the day!

Having just stepped off a plane from New York I was pretty pumped to be in the sunshine. I was sitting out by the pool every spare second I had!


I’m a sucker for food props. Tiny spoons and bowls.. I’m obsessed!


I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better group to shoot with. We all became instant best friends. SO much chemistry!



The prettiest brunch scene I ever did see.

Next it was snow cones poolside.. could the day get any better?


Everybody needs a coffee granita by the picnic tables while snapping some polaroids, right? Here’s some of the team, hard at work and doing what it take to get the perfect shot. And sometimes that means standing up on tables!



We capped the night off with coffee inspired cocktails, crackers and beautiful cheeseboard displays. If only this were my real life. Every day..

If you want to get your hands on this fun coffee cookbook, simple click this link and follow the directions to claim your copy. It’s chock full of easy, unique, coffee drinks that you can drink and time of day, all summer long!

Click here for my Brewsky Float recipe and video.

Meal Prep Prep + Rally

Dini Klein
Founder of Prep+Rally, Dini Klein DINI@PREPANDRALLY.COM

Hey, I’m Dini Klein. I’m a cookbook author (you can shop my book here!) food host, former private chef, wife, and mama to some cute and very energetic kids.

Prep + Rally™ is my solution to getting a wholesome dinner on the table on those busy week nights when juggling mommy-ing and work life feels almost impossible.  Prep + Rally is the system helping busy moms all over the world get through it with ease!

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